There are basically three types of management level in MIS. They are top management level,mid management level and low management level.This management level has different impact in different behavior.
Top level management
It consists of board of directors, chief executive or managing director. The top management is the ultimate source of authority and it manages goals and policies for an enterprise. It devotes more time on planning and coordinating functions . The top management is responsible towards the shareholders for the performance of the enterprise.
The characteristics of top level management :
huge impact
high amount of risk
can be uncertain
long term decision
and unstructured.
Mid level management
The branch managers and departmental managers constitute middle level. They are responsible to the top management for the functioning of their department. They devote more time to organizational and directional functions. In small organization, there is only one layer of middle level of management but in big enterprises, there may be senior and junior middle level management.
The characteristics of top level management :
mid impact
mid term
less risky then top level
semi structured like a year to year decision.
Low level management
Lower level is also known as supervisory / operational level of management. It consists of supervisors, foreman, section officers, superintendent etc. According to R.C. Davis, “Low level management refers to those executives whose work has to be largely with personal oversight and direction of operative employees”. In other words, they are concerned with direction and controlling function of management.
The characteristics of top level management :
low impact
minimum risk because if there is some risk then it can be covered
day to day decision
the working process is properly structured
immediate decision.
There is always a difference between the two who develop information system knowing MIS and the other who develop information system without knowing MIS.
- Mr. Md. Khaled Sohel , Assistant Professor Department of Software Engineering , DIU