Section 54:Penalty for damage to computer or computer system
Unauthorized access to system
Unauthorized download or upload
Spam email
Denial Of Service
Helps others to do harm
data tampering
Punishment : Up to 10 years of imprisonment or a fine that may extend to 10 lakhs taka or both.
Section 55: Punishment for altering with computer source code.
Data altering
Data deleting
Data updating
Data mismatch
Punishment: Up to 3 years of imprisonment or a fine that may extend to 3 lakhs taka or both.
Section 56: Punishment for hacking with computer system.
Unauthorized or illegal access to protected system.
Punishment: Up to 10 years of imprisonment or a fine that may extend to 1 crore taka or both.
Section 57: Punishment for publishing obscuring or obscene information in the internet and which may lead to defamation to
An individual
Against a nation
Against the law
Against the society.
Punshiment: Up to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine that may extend to 1 crore taka.
Section 61: Punishment for unauthorized access to protected system
Any person who intensionally or knowingly access any system which is not authorized by him/her will be considered as a offense under this section.
Punishment: Up to 10 years of imprisonment or a fine that may extend to 10 lakhs taka or both.
Section 62: Punishment for misrepresentation of data.
Any person who tries to change the actual information against a person or an organization will be considered as offense under this section.
Punishment: Up to 2 years of imprisonment or a fine that may extend to 2 lakhs taka or both.
Section 63: Punishment for disclosure of sensitive information.
Sensitive data needs to be always protected. Like the annual report of an organization needs to disclose between the employees of that company.If any person of that company disclose the information then he or she will be considered as doing offense under this section.
Punishment: Up to 2 years of imprisonment or a fine that may extend to 10 lakhs taka or both.
Section 66:Punishment for using computer to do offenses.
This section gather all the possible offenses that can be happened in cyber space by means of computer and the punishment will be given by means of the respective offenses.
Section 67:Offenses against companies.
This section also does not include the actual punishment.This section defines about if any company do any offenses against an individual or an organisation then the
will be punished under this section.